
Professional Headshots


headshot-blogWhy someone should have a professional headshot?

What would they use it for? In this age of computers, my answer is twofold. First, Social Media creates a need for your best face forward to be shown in a consistent manner across all social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Websites. Second, and what I think is most important…safety.

It used be that the only people with a professional headshot on their business cards were realtors. Meeting an unknown person in an unknown place demanded a card with a professional photograph for identification. In an age where anyone can print a business card or ID on their computer, I believe showing identification with your professionally shot photo is a need for all businesses. People are more and more apprehensive of people show up to their homes or business’s. Asking, ‘Is this the person I am really expecting’?

Ponder this: If you were at a party and mentioned you needed a handyman to come to your home for repair and someone handed you a card, either their own or one they happen to have from a company they have done business with, how much more comfortable would you feel knowing what the person looked like that was coming to your home? I know it would be important to me.

So to promote your business in a consistent and safe manner, consider putting your professionally shot photo on all promotional materials!